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A film egy egykori grúziai bányászvárosba kalauzol minket, amely ma olyan, mint egy kísértetváros. Megismerjük Zurabot, aki zene tanár létére romos betonépítményeket bont, Archillt, aki bányász, de a színház szerelmese, és két lányt, akik folyamatosan az olimpiára edzenek – ebben a lírai hangvételű, tabló szerű filmben.
Master Class Alexander Govedarica forgalmazóval (Sindicado)
The lives, dreams and destinies of extraordinary characters unfold amidst the ruins of a semi-abandoned mining town in Georgia. Chiatura, in western Georgia, once supplied nearly half of the world’s manganese, but today it resembles an apocalyptic ghost town. The film follows a few of its remaining inhabitants: Zurab, the music teacher, who dismantles concrete buildings and sells their iron girders to provide for his family; Archil, a miner whose real passion is amateur theatre; and two young, malnourished athletes stoically training for the next Olympic Games.
Awarded at Madrid International Documentary Film Festival, Sarajevo Film Festival
Master Class by Alexander Govedarica distributor, Sindicado